Trust Cotton Bags Manufacturer at CPC Vietnam to Make Your Life Easier. We produce, distribute cotton bags to wholesale suppliers to all over the world. We maintain high-quality cotton bags which fulfill daily usage.
Who does not use bags? People of all ages, younger or older, use some sort of a bag in their daily life that allows them to carry useful items. They make our lives much easier. Bags provide us great utility.
Bags can either be carried on our backs or held in our hands. In earlier times, people used sacks to carry grain and animals around. Since then, many factors revolving around the ergonomic design of a bag have changed, while the basic idea and function of a bag is still the same. Bags of different kinds are available depending on how they are used. People have different needs and carry different things.

For bulk order of cotton, Bags call us or drop a WhatsApp message at (+ 84 933 914 065) one of our Sales Manager will get in touch with you.
A student might only carry books to school, whereas a student in college might only carry a laptop. Or a worker at a fast-food restaurant might only carry their change of clothes. Meanwhile, an employee at a corporate firm may carry their laptop and files.
Bags are not only just used for workplace or education purposes; they allow us to simply transport goods from one place to another. A trip to and from the local store is made more convenient with the help of plastic or paper bags. Essentially, any store we go to, we get a bag in which we carry the purchased items. In a lot of stores, they charge extra money for the bags. Furthermore, plastic bags, as we all know, are extremely harmful for the environment. They take a long time to decompose and often end up in water bodies harming sea animals as a result.
Therefore, it is important to know what kind of bag you purchase or use in your daily life. As a responsible citizen of this earth, you should use bags that can be recycled and are harmless to the environment and its inhabitants.
As a result, you should purchase all your bags from a trusted cotton cloth bag manufacturer like us at CPC Vietnam. We manufacture and export quality cotton bags which are easy to carry in any situation like offices, schools, colleges, etc. We are cotton cloth bag manufacturers that are available in various designs, sizes and colours. They are stitched by our experts using the best quality cotton.
We are cotton bags wholesale manufacturers at CPC Vietnam and we offer handbags for various different needs you might have. Even if you are male who needs bags for his daily activities, we have you covered with our custom bags manufacturers and suppliers. Our BSCI agreement with addition to our ISO 9001/GSV certificate/SMETA report ensure that our 3000 employees have
flexible working hours
prohibition of child labour
prohibition of forced labour and disciplinary measures
freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
prohibition of any for of discrimination
workplace health and safety
environment and safety standards
All of our cotton bags are manufactured in our 12 factories spread across the region of southern Vietnam. Our latest and biggest factory has an area of 110,000 square meters. More than 3000 employees are under our payroll that collaboratively work towards producing more than 25,000,000 units per month.
We are not just cotton bag suppliers, we also expertise towards producing other bags such as big bags, shopping bags, polyester bags, reusable bags, polyester mesh bags, bottle carrier bags, folding storage PP non-woven bags, transparent PP woven storage shopping bags, gift bags, laundry spring box containers, delivery kube box, etc all available in different materials according to your needs. We guarantee cheap and low import prices. All of our products at CPC Vietnam are 100% produced in Vietnam.
As being the top cotton canvas bag manufacturer in Vietnam, we have references from Carrefour (our biggest client), Walmart, Bunxl, Wholefoods, Auchan, Ld Market, deka, Lidl, Fnac, Simply, Spar Russia, Nettom Browns, Metro, Aldi and various others. We also distributed gift bags at the TOUR de FRANCE 2019.
If you have any further inquiries regarding our products, CPC Vietnam can be contacted through +84 (0) 933 914 065. Through this number, we can be reached on WhatsApp, Viber, Zalo and WeChat. We can also be e-mailed through For any of your cotton bag needs, contact our experts now at CPC Vietnam.